Week 3 Round Up

Week 3 is in the bag and I think can be labelled as a success. 4 wins 2 draws from the 6 games.

M1s picked up their first point of the season in a hard fought 2v2 draw with Felixstowe 1s. Newmarket led for the majority of the game through goals from Josh Dawson and Nick Olding only to be denied at the death by a pretty good short corner tbh.

The M2s also put in an excellent shift with a 3v3 draw at Pelicans, the scene of many a defeat over the years. Peter Terrett made it 8 goals in 3 games with another brace and Paul Tinsley on debut getting his first for the club.

The M3 beat Ipswich 4s for the first time ever 2v1 thanks to goals from Jack and Andy Baker.

The Ladies picked up 3 points in all their games. The Ladies 1s spanked South 3s 5v1 thanks to a hat-trick from Di Farrell-Thomas and a goal a piece from Georgia Atherton and Lydia Evans.

The L2s remain unbeaten after a typically agricultural visit to Spalding 3s, coming away with a 2v1 victory courtesy of Katie Barrett and Molly-Anne Gimson.

The L3s beat Wisbech without having to lift a stick with a forfeit victory 5v0.

After 3 weeks both our 2s teams are unbeaten on 7 points, our Ladies 1s, L3s and M3s have 6 points each and the M1s are off the mark. I think overall a decent start.