
The Club opposes all forms of discrimination and will actively encourage, promote and develop hockey amongst all sections of the community it serves. The Club undertakes to ensure that 2Sports Equity (i.e. fairness) is practised. This includes providing opportunities for young people, black and ethnic groups, women and people with disabilities at a level appropriate to their needs and aspirations.

The Club’s colours are yellow & blue shirts (white shirts if kit is similar to the host team’s), navy blue shorts/skirts, yellow socks.

The Club will comply to the rules of their Association and will be affiliated to the Cambridgeshire Hockey Association and Cambridgeshire Women’s Hockey Association.

Club management will be entrusted to the General Committee consisting of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Men’s Rep , Ladies Rep, Junior Coordinator, Membership officer, Volunteer Coordinator and Development Coordinator.

The General Committee will have the power to conduct all club business other than those mentioned in these Rules, and will establish such committees or sub-committees as it sees fit, co-opting members and/or advisers to ensure the Club’s growth and prosperity.

The date of the Annual General Meeting will be held between 1st May and 31st July in each year. The Committee shall determine the agenda of this meeting, including what officers are required on the Committee for the following year. Written notice of the meeting and the agenda will be delivered to members 10 days before the meeting.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of 7 members. Written notice of the meeting, and the agenda will be delivered to members 10 days before the meeting.

A member is a person who has paid their subscription. Annual subscriptions shall become due on 31st August in each year.

Members will be able to vote at General Meetings, to play hockey with the benefits of club insurance, and to participate in all club activities.

The Committee have authority to fix subscriptions and match fees, and to make rules for the proper running of the Club. The Committee may discipline members as it thinks fit. (See Code of Conduct)

The quorum for a Committee Meeting will be 5 and for a General Meeting shall be 11. The Chairperson of any meeting will have a casting vote only.

Appended to these rules (which are taken from the Constitution) shall be:

  • A list of Life Honorary Members (LHM)
  • The Rules of the Club
  • The rate of subscriptions and match fees