Week 11 Round Up

Welcome back to Newmarket hockey after the Christmas break. Happy New Year and back to the grind it was for the Ms and Ls 1s and 3s.

Both mens sides showed it’s not the size of your possession stats it’s what you do with it that counts. The M1s faced a slick and well drilled Dragons 1s. Facing a lot of pressure Newmarket took the lead through Simon Donald on the counter. Simon Harrington restored the lead before half time after a short corner. Final score 2v1 to Newmarket.

The M3s launched a classic smash and grab raid at home to Sudbury 4s. Sudbury dominated possession but could do little with it. Whilst Newmarket had 3 clear cut chances taking 2 of them. MoM Jack Baker won a short after a mazy dribble and Peter Booth finished it into the corner. Baker got his own goal midway through the second to secure the points. The back 4 and keeper John Benedikz had to put in a full shift under a lot of pressure to keep another clean sheet and one of the best defensive records in their division.

The L1s faced a tough game against 2nd placed Pelicans 1s. Goals from Grace Evans and Georgia Atherton earning them a really creditable 2v2 draw.

Grace Evans slots in from close range

The L3s got the rough end of some umpiring in their 0v1 defeat at Ely.

The L2s had a week off.

The M2s played their game today (Sunday) and despite a less than perfect performance trying to come to terms with the trampoline-like surface at Harleston, managed to secure a 2v0 win with Ollie Trent and Matt Lewis providing the goals. Keeper, Jiminy Haynes also made a couple of key saves to keep the yellow and blues in the game.