An Update from The Chair

Dear All,

As the start of the league season draws nearer here’s a quick update on what’s going on along with some answers to questions raised:

Kit: – The feedback received through the survey demonstrated a clear preference to return to the previous manufacturer, Adidas. We are grateful that people have engaged with the process and it has improved our decision making ability. The committee will now oversee a return to Adidas utilising local supplier Mr CricketHockey in Burwell.

This decision is taken whilst recognising some clearly articulated and useful feedback on board. With these at the front of mind, the following actions have been taken by way of mitigating the most prevalent concerns:

1. Cost of Living Considerations

  • Optional Kit Purchase Policy: new kit is not a necessary expenditure for many of our members. There will not be a compulsory purchase of shirts. The return to Adidas will be at member discretion
  • Long-Term Sponsor Partnership: We are actively engaging with our sponsor to re-establish a longer-term agreement prior to printing their logo on our kit; we have already made contact to achieve this. This will help mitigate the need for further kit changes in an unnecessarily short timeframe

2. Small Sizing/ Tight Fit of Adidas Products

  • We are grateful for this point having been raised to the committee, as something that had not been considered. To mitigate these concerns, the following will be put in place:
  • A variety of sizes to try on locally prior to purchase – just go to the shop and they will provide options (we are trying to get some samples to come to training too but to meet the first order, please pop in to the shop if you are unsure)
  • Both a regular ‘looser-fitting’ match shirt and a ‘tighter, fitted’ blouse will be on the Ladies’ shop to cater for different for as many shapes, sizes, fits as possible
  • Sizes to be represented in inches, not ‘S/M/L/XL’, to be more inclusive and body image conscious (these comparisons will be viewable through the size chart hyperlink to help people select if desired)
  • Stocking of the existing Chadwick Skort, which provides a less tight fit around the hips, as well as the Adidas option

Next Steps:

  • The shop is now live. Please go to: Buy Newmarket Hockey Club Online from Mr Cricket Shop ( and use the code NHC to enter the shop.
  • With limited time between now and the season, we will be making the first bulk order of stock within the next week. If you would like kit, please order within the next 5 days. Use the size chart or pop in to the shop to try them out.
  • We will be managing shirt numbers through a spreadsheet. Please put what you would like in the order. We will check this against what we currently have and amend as necessary
  • Don’t worry about the apparent orange embroidery on the site – the training kit will be a yellowy gold as per the colour of the kit
  • For those who have orders with KitFactory in place, the training kit will be the same in the new shop as per the current kit, so is still up to date. KitFactory have confirmed they will process these for us as per normal
  • lead times and you’ll get your products, so there should be no impact. Please get in touch with your Rep if there is a problem
  • Vicky Benedikz will be in touch with the juniors separately to confirm the process for them

Fuel costs: – Raised at the EGM was a question over our policy regarding mileage claims.  Historically whilst we have a rate this has largely been self-governed within teams between players which we would propose continues.  However, we do recognise in several cases that the same drivers are thankfully helping non drivers get to games.  As such we would ask that those drivers put together a claim for mileage to be signed off by the team’s captain and passed to the appropriate rep for approval.  The current rate is 15p / mile.  A mileage claim should provide the date, the destination, the distance and the names of passengers please.

Hockey Access Fund: – In recognition of the increasing financial pressures some might be experiencing we are launching our Newmarket Hockey Club Access Fund which is designed to provide financial support for existing members who may face making the difficult choice to stop playing and indeed for those wishing to play for the first time but who are unable to afford the kit.  Whilst not exhaustive hopefully this initiative will make the difference and enable our hockey community to continue to be inclusive and open to all.  Applications for support either from the individual or from someone aware of the need for support for another, should be sent to myself and will be handled discretely by a small subcommittee.    This has very kindly been kick started by a donation from Adrian Atkinson who’s been an integral part of our club for many years, if you personally or indeed your place of work want to get involved and donate to this fund we would be extremely grateful!  Please do get in contact with me directly.

In addition to the Access Fund a very generous club member has offered a donation to recognise ongoing loyalty of our club members. Each returning Senior member is eligible for a £20 incentive, bridging the gap in the annual subs rise. This is an amazing gesture at a time when finances are tight and it is gratefully received. For members to be eligible they need to be signed up on the membership form, GMS, Teamer, and have paid subs on Slate by Thursday the 22nd of September to enable us to process this with the donor. Captains and our Membership Secretary, Jess, will manage the process. This will mean your first 2 match fees will be just £2, providing the £20 saving. Thanks to all our returning members, and thanks again to this very generous anonymous donor for their contribution and support to our club and its members.

Junior Hockey: – Once again we are seeing some great numbers getting involved in junior hockey, spearheaded by Vicky but also supported by several club members.  Building on this success we are looking to trial Badgers teams whereby juniors play in a team with 3 adults over 4 games.  If you would like to get involved, please contact Vicky directly or at to let her know regardless of whether you can play 1 or up to 4 of these non-league games. 

Adult Training: – A reminder Ladies Training is on a Tuesday night 7-8.30pm and Men’s training is on a Wednesday night 7-8.30pm all abilities are catered for so please do get along and support the coaches and captains.  Pay and Play is also still available on a Thursday night 7-8pm.

Membership: – We are seeing several new players wanting to get involved with the club which is great, however we still need more in order to ensure we can keep 3 men’s and ladies teams going.  Please do get the word round at work or amongst your friends and encourage people to come and give it a go! 

A reminder also if you haven’t done so already to please get online and fill in your membership form on the following link Membership Form.  In addition, please make sure you are registered on GMS at the following

Thanks for all your support and good luck for the start of the season


Peter Sargeant